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Fried. The Burnout Podcast

Jul 29, 2019

E Douglas Kihn shares his 35+ years of experience in the healing arts with us and has written the book: Chinese Medicine for the Modern World - Ancient Wisdom to Stop Worrying, Hurrying, and Overeating. Within his book and this podcast, we dove deep into trusting your own body, the need for deep rest, and the limits...

Jul 22, 2019

Dr. Simone's story is so relatable. We have all overspent our good energy outside of the home only to find that what we have left for our loved ones is, well, crappy. Working in areas that are passionate for us, it is especially important to know our boundaries, know what we are actually able to give and drop...

Jul 19, 2019

It might sound woo, but this is science-backed spirituality in today's episode. Mindie Kniss, is a business coach and award-winning humanitarian. In 2008, she left a Fortune 100 career to become an entrepreneur but ended up living out of her office, facing foreclosure, eviction, and bankruptcy. Today, she is CEO...

Jul 16, 2019

If you've ever felt less than, this episode is for you. A journey of healing turns into the passion to help others as I chat with Transformational Life Coach Ashley Rose. You can find Ashley on Instagram:

This podcast is for inspirational purposes and by listening, you agree to...